Sunday, April 27, 2014

God First

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

-Matthew 6:33-

Our Father, who art in Heaven:

We ask that you will forgive us for our sins.  Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.  Lord, there are times we have put idols before you, and we are sorry. We know there shall be no gods (idols) before you. We have become heavily involved with the daily affairs of our lives, and have placed them first instead of placing you first.  We have devoted our time to the things of this world, instead of to the things of you.   Our plans have become superior, and we have made your plans for our lives inferior.  There are times we have become influenced by the world’s standards for our lives, instead of influencing the world to have and live by your standards.  We have become selfish in pleasing our own desires, instead of pleasing your desires.  Today, we want to seek your kingdom first, and your righteousness.  We want to put your desires for our lives first.  We will not place any idols before you God, because you are first.  We will not allow the daily affairs of our lives to reign over us, for we want your affairs to rule over us.  We want to commit our lives to you.  We will commit our ways and works to you, first.  We want to delight ourselves in you.  We will delight our ways and works in you, first.  We are hungry and thirsty for your righteousness.  Lord we ask as we put you first that you will fill (your power, anointing, spirit) us again.  We desire to return back to our first love (which is you), and as we put you first we know that we will have and feel your love unconditionally.

God First,

Your Servants

Sunday, April 20, 2014

“Help Us, We’re Getting in Trouble with Our Flesh”

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”

-Matthew 26:41-



Our Father, who art in Heaven:


We ask that you will forgive us for our sins.  Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.  Lord we are troubled because our flesh is getting the best of us, and we are not allowing your spirit to operate in us. We give our flesh the power and control that it should not have, and at times it has dominated our lives.  We desperately need your help. Our spirit is willing, but our flesh is extremely weak. We know we must watch and pray, because our flesh is weak, but there are times, we are not praying and watching, and our flesh wins the battle.  We understand and know that our flesh profits nothing, but it is your spirit that quickens (profits; John 6:63).  Our flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit, and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh, and they are in conflict with one another. We must walk in the spirit, so we will not gratify our flesh.  Give us strength Lord, because no good thing comes from our flesh (spiritually). Please help us to guard our minds from our flesh, because the mind governed by the flesh is death and hostile towards you (God). But if we guard our minds, the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace.  We often get into trouble with our flesh, and we are not pleasing you.  We want to please you and satisfy you Lord.  We don’t blame others for the troubles we’ve have brought on ourselves because of our flesh becoming out of control.  We take ownership, ourselves. For what we sow into our flesh shall the flesh reap corruption, but if we sow in the Spirit, we shall reap life everlasting. Our flesh in weak, but your Spirit is willing, and as you continue to help us on our journey, we will daily fight the war against our flesh. 


Your Servants,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Thank You, JESUS!

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in

 Christ Jesus concerning you.”

-Thessalonians 5:18


Our Father, which art in Heaven:


We ask that you will forgive us for our sins.  Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.  In every thing we give thanks, for this is your will concerning us.  We thank you for allowing us to wake up this morning to be able to experience a glorious day that you have created.  We thank you for allowing us to spend time with you, because you want us to have a relationship with you.  We thank you for providing shelter, food, and clothes for us to have, because you are JEHOVAH-JIREH, the Lord who provides.  We thank you for always being with us, and never leaving, because you never leave us, nor forsake us.  We thank you for the financial blessing that is here and that will come, because the earth is yours and the fullness there of.  We thank you for healing us internal and external, because you are JEHOVAH-RAPHA, the Lord who heals.  We thank you for allowing us to trust, delight, hope, and rest in you.  We thank you that we can make our request known to you, and we don’t have to be anxious.  We thank you that we can cast all of our burdens unto you, because you care.  We thank you that your JOY is our strength.  We thank you for our families, friends, and enemies.  We thank you that we can be men and women of God, not compromising your word, but standing on the truth.  We thank you that you are the ONLY truth and the way.  We thank you that when our hearts and spirits are broken, that you will mend our broken hearts.  We thank you for opportunities.  We thank you for the open doors and the closed doors.  We thank you for allowing your son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins.  Today, we say, THANK YOU, JESUS!


Thank you!


Your Servants

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Healing from Afflictions

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.”

-Psalm 34:19-



We ask that you will forgive us for our sins.  Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.  Lord, remember us, and all of our afflictions (pain and suffering).  We have interceded for people and their healings, but today we need a healing and a miracle from you.  You are Jehova- Rapha, you are the Lord who heals. We have internal and external afflictions, and we want/need your divine healing.  Some of us have gone to doctors, and have received a negative report, but if we place our affliction in your hands, we can receive a positive report, if it’s in your will.  We know that you have the power to heal all manner of sickness and diseases.  We know that if we have faith in you, we can be made whole.  We are reaching out to you in the midst of our afflictions.  We know that many are the afflictions of the righteous; but you deliver us out of them all.  We may have to go through surgical procedures, but we can be healed.  We know that if we cry from the depths of our soul to reach out to you, we can be healed.  Lord, you will heal our soul.   If our hearts are broken, you heal us, and you bind our wounds.  You told us in Ecclesiastes (3:3), that there is a time for us to healed, for you are the Lord, that heals thee (us).   We understand that afflictions are not just physical pains, but it is also internal pains (emotions).  Lord HEAL our emotions.  You told us with your stripes (bruises), we are healed.  You are Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord who heals, and we thank you for the healing (internal/external).  There is no other name, god (idols), or power that will heal, except by the name and power of you, Jesus.


Thank you for the healing!


Your Servants